I am becoming a Feminine Truth Crusader.
On a mission to release my truth from the bondage of fear I have held it in for decades.
When you grow up in a home affected by generations of trauma from abuse and addiction, like I was because my parents were, telling the truth of one's feelings is very dangerous.
Since the function of addiction is to distract from the the truth of one's own feelings, telling the truth threatens to topple the tenuous and false structure of safety.
And the person who disobeys the unspoken rule by telling THE truth of how she really feels and what she really wants puts herself at risk of all types of blowback in a system that relies on denying it.
Each generation is invited to advance into the next level of consciousness, connection and wholeness.
My parents' mission was to halt the addiction cycle and create the kind of stability for their children that they never had. And they were supremely successful at doing that.
We didn't call my dad "Ideal Neil" for nothing, and my mom was more dedicated to doing the right thing than anyone I have ever known.
But do you see the prisons they were still in? The self-denial? The fear of owning how they REALLY felt?
My mission is to take the next step to consecrate truth.
The truth of what I love, what I want and don't want, what I desire.
The creative gold of the truth of how I FEEL.
When using the word "consecrate" came to me for talking about truth, I had to look it up to make sure it's really what I mean.
And it means exactly what I mean:
To make sacred, to make holy.
Because the truth of our soul,
what we love,
what we desire,
how we feel,
who we truly are and what we want to create,
is sacred.
It is the source of our light. IT IS US.
And since our sacred truth lives in the "knowing" of our bodies- particularly our sacral chakras, named in Sanskrit for the "seat of the soul", the embodied location of our desire to create, our truth- and what I call and experience as P*ssytwinkle®, then P*ssytwinkle® is sacred.
Which means- and out of the closet I come- P*ssytwinkle® is our connection to God.
It is our built-in antennae and our receiver to the creativity of the Universe, Source-
God- which made us to co-create with us.
And the creative ingredient it needs from us is our TRUTH of how we feel and what we desire.
Yes, I, as an agnostic girl whose P*ssytwinkle® spread her wide open to receive the connection to the creativity of the love and truth and spirit of the Universe, Source, God, truly know and has experienced this.
Your pleasure, your truth and your creative power is in your P*SSYTWINKLE®, or whatever part of you body signals what you know to be true.
There is nothing I care more about than the truth,
Mine, yours.
Yours, because it is the beauty and sanctity of YOU. This is P*ssytwinkle®.