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"You don't want to expect this of me."

Writer: Linda WallaceLinda Wallace

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

The Feminine sometimes needs disappoint.

Case in point:

My partner has a brilliant mind. He hangs out in it a lot. I love to boast that he invents ten new things before breakfast.

And when he sits down with his morning coffee to sketch out an ideas in great detail on a random piece of junk mail he found on the table, he wants to share all of the technical details of his brainstorm with me.

It’s then that I can feel my life energy draining out of me and it’s not even nine o’clock.

What is going on here?

It’s simple and basic- my partner is sharpening his tools for his day. And one of the sharpest, most essential tools of the Masculine is his logical, problem-solving mind.

It is his genius.

Ladies, raise your hand if this is similar to how you begin your day, too- organizing, scheduling, strategizing, figuring out, planning- from the moment your feel hit the bedroom floor.

We are so used to doing it that we don’t even notice how it feels in our bodies. Because, to keep doing that, we need to disembody.

Because our bodies hate it.

And I have been paying attention to how starting my day that way feels in mine: Like coffee with a shot a shot of adrenaline pushing me to a high altitude of mental function- not for the fun of it, like it is for him- but just to try to keep up with the pace.

I need a completely different morning start-up than my masculine partner does.

I need to feel into how I would love to feel.

I need to feel into my desire and my pleasure.

I need to clear my mind and to open space for creating in intuitive Feminine Kiros time,

not linear Masculine Kronos time.

I need to feel into what I would love to create.

Because that is my genius- my Feminine muse genius.

My partner had another brilliant idea this morning. He really wanted my mind to be with his as he sketched his ideas. I could feel the pressure mount in my mind and body.

I knew I needed to disappoint him.

“Baby, I am not the one. I can't understand the engineering you are working on, and it's impossible for me to contribute anything useful. I think you would be more helped if you talked to another dude. And now, I would love to begin my morning mediation and gratitude ritual now.”

I gave him a big, sensuous kiss, and skipped off to meditate.

He needed me to.

Because when I am creating what is best for me, I am creating what is best for him:

ME. Embodied. Nourished. Moving with my desire, pleasure and deep knowing. In alignment with what is good and true for me.

Our Feminine muse needs to insist on being in pace with herself. Our profound, creational power depends on it.

And we need never apologize for that. Even when we have to disappoint.



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